Instructions for installing this addon.
Last updated
Instructions for installing this addon.
Last updated
Download the addon purchased from gmodstore
Download or subscribe to rlib library
To install rlib, you can either manually download the script, or you can add the rlib workshop to your server's workshop collection. Do not do both:
Select One:
Workshop Collection
Manual Download
Download the addon's ZIP from the link below:
Extract the download zip to your computer
Create a new folder on your gmod server called the name of the addon
Make sure the folder name contains NO SPACES, NO SPECIAL CHARACTERS, and NO CAPS
Example: garrysmod/addons/xtask
Upload the extracted addon files to the newly created folder
Upload the files to match the following file structure:
📁 garrysmod
📁 addons
📁 xtask
📁 lua
📁 materials
📁 resource
Restart the server
As the server restarts, view the console for errors.
If you see errors, view Script Throwing Errors
If you do not see errors, proceed forward
Try some of the links below: